who are we ?

//who are we

Company profile

SAHEH Company for Integrated healthcare Services was established in 2023 in Egypt.

A leading company in providing integrated medical services to all hospitals and major medical institutions locally and globally

To help them improve their work performance and achieve their strategic plans and to achieve outstanding results while committing to apply the highest approved quality standards based upon the latest scientific and technical methods.

We are honest with ourselves, and always committed to doing our best.

We think we stand out. Not because we say it, but because we work hard at it. We are dedicated, committed and focused. We believe that everyone will reach their best and overcome any challenge through the culture and spirit of the company.

Our vision

To be the company of choice in the Middle East and North Africa region to provide integrated medical services with high quality standards.
that allow excellence in medical practice by offering the best patient experience.

Our mission

We help build outstanding care for our patients and clients across the region through teamwork, accountability and innovation that are reflected in the quality of our outcomes.

Why do we exist

To improve the level of health care through providing technical and administrative consultations, and by following the latest quality standards and scientific protocols in order to raise the efficiency of the medical and administrative staff to provide distinguished medical and administrative services.

our values :
1- our customer satisfaction is our priority and we acheive this through best customer experience .
2- with all courage and innovation we accept complexity and challanges
3- we support healthcare qulaity standards
4- we provide our services with high quality standards to acheive excellence in our services .
5- collaboraton and integration between our team members is the key of optimum outcome.

call us

Our team is always available to assist you.





Board of Directors

We are led by a team that is always thinking, always creating and always pushing forward.

Doctor: Doaa Helmy

Chairman of Board of Directors